There are six exceptions listed for paragraph 303.3. These six exceptions allow gas appliances in these prohibited locations when specific conditions are met. [Read more…]
There are six exceptions listed for paragraph 303.3. These six exceptions allow gas appliances in these prohibited locations when specific conditions are met. [Read more…]
Roger W. Griffith has been appointed to the Plumbing/Mechanical/Fuel Gas Code Action Committee (PMGCAC) of the International Code Council (ICC). The role of this code committee is to review and propose revisions to the International Plumbing, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Private Sewage Disposal, and Swimming Pool and Spa Codes and the International Residential Code, chapters 12 through 33, which covers the mechanical, plumbing, and fuel gas systems in residential occupancies. I am honored to be appointed as a member of this committee for the upcoming 2018 – 2019 code development cycle.
These important codes define how mechanical, plumbing, and fuel gas systems must be designed and installed to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
Roger W. Griffith, P.E.
P.O. Box 702
Jefferson City, TN 37760
(865) 471-8142