Roger W. Griffith is a licensed professional engineer practicing in the area of plumbing, HVAC, and fire sprinkler system design. He also provides forensic engineering and expert witness services in the specialty areas of plumbing design, plumbing codes, hot water systems/scalding, carbon monoxide poisoning/gas venting, legionella, fuel gas fires, and explosions, HVAC design, fire sprinkler systems, and mechanical/plumbing failures.
As a forensic consultant and expert witness, he has been involved in over 100 cases involving legal and insurance claims. He has testified at depositions, trials, and arbitration hearings, representing plaintiffs and defendants.
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My Biography
Roger W. Griffith received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tennessee Technological University in 1983.
He worked as a mechanical engineer at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for 14 years. His roles included nuclear piping analyst, boiler, valve and heat exchanger specialist, maintenance engineer, maintenance supervisor at a fossil plant, and quality manager. His engineering roles included failure analysis of plant equipment. He also taught many courses on problem-solving and failure analysis for company employees.
In 1995, he founded Griffith Engineering & Consulting, Inc., serving as the president and principal engineer. His experience includes designing HVAC, plumbing, and sprinkler systems for numerous commercial and industrial projects, such as convention centers, schools, office buildings, condominiums, apartment buildings, hotels, churches, manufacturing facilities, medical buildings, restaurants, historic buildings, dormitories, fire halls, and maintenance facilities.
Click here for my current CV
Feel free to contact me for additional information.